Coronary heart disease is a chronic disease in which blood flow is obstructed in coronary arteries which supply oxygen rich blood to heart. End result of the accumulation of atheromatous plaque within the lumen of the arteries that supply oxygen rich blood and nutrients to myocardium. Obstruction in arteries causes ischemia to heart. Leads to Myocardial lnfarction i.e. Heart attack.
Blood cholesterol plays an important role in coronary heart disease. Higher blood cholesterol and triglycerides level known as hyperlipidemia. In hyperlipidemia higher level of LDL cholesterol and Triglycerides are commonly seen. Due to this higher chances of coronary blockage.
These are common symptoms of heart disease
Treatement of all Panchakarma. Panchakarma is strictly under the expert guidance.
Hridaya Basti - It is effective for hrudshula or heart pain.
Virechana - Mruduvirechana.
Snehan -
"स्नेहोउनीलं हन्ति मृदु करोति देहं |
मलानां विनिहन्ति संद्ड्ग्म ||"
Basti - it helps a lot to restore body doshas and maintain metabolism
Shirodhara and Meditation -
Sattvavajay chikitsa(mental support) is very important. It soothes the brain and refreshes the mind
For details about panchakarma see page Panchakarma.